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Suman Mishra has 8 Published Articles. Profile has been viewed 1126 times.

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Park Lane,
United States of America, New York, Cansas,
100845 , 191-059-2768 x5
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One research that may reveal some evidence of olfactory signals in humans is a research study performed on young males between the age of two and four years. The investigation indicated that after some stage between two to four years, children will start to like the scent of their moms and avoid their fathers’ scents. The findings of this research were to some level backed by a different study of a young male. The boy was closer to his father at a young age. When he reached an age slightly over three years, he started to show a specific choice to the scents of the mother especially shortly after she had lovemaking. The behavior reached a peak when he was four and slowly and gradually decreased till he was six years old when it halted.
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